Perhaps the most relevant statistics data that we could gather is presented here:
Data type/Website parameter | Status or value | Our findings |
Site title (meta) | Parions Sport En Ligne de FDJ | Site de paris sportif en ligne | Sticking to between 50-60 characters for meta title length is a good idea. The length of this website's meta title is 62. |
Website meta description | ParionsSport En Ligne de FDJ vous permet de parier en ligne sur vos sports préférés : paris sportifs, pronostics sportifs et cotes sports en direct ! | The length of the meta description is 149 characters. Google recommends up to around 280-320 characters at the most. |
Website load speed | Approximately 12.1539 seconds | It takes too long to load the website – we would suggest the webmaster to look into it. |
Homepage links | Approximately 887 | Such an amount of links on a homepage might raise a question or two. |
Size of page HTML | 425.4KB | If it were up to us, we'd urge the webmaster to improve. The result isn't very good, you see. Just saying. |
Server data | Server seems to be online. IP adress for this domain is | Due to lack of data, we can't provide a meaningful insight. |
The basic overview not enough? Let's dive deeper.
What is a server? It's basically a physical storage device (one that, sometimes, makes up several virtual servers for the cheaper shared hosting) that holds all the files and databases associated with a specific website or websites. Obviously, it's a touch more complicated than that (servers also have processors), but the essence is quite simple - your browser contacts the server, which then sends all the neccessary information and files to your computer. Each physical server has a unique IP address assigned to it, too, for easy recognition.
If you need more raw data, here's what we managed to gather:
Header information |
HTTP/1.1 200 OK Date: Fri, 12 Jan 2018 22:24:58 GMT Cache-Control: no-cache, no-store, max-age=0, must-revalidate, private X-Request-Id: 88dda573-27eb-4920-8da8-dfcc8f647cbf X-LVS-SessionID: 15c8b5a21dec80c2b7f7833a3a1cdb8d X-LVS-ApolloCache: cold X-LVS-ApolloCacheTime: 180112232507 Set-Cookie: price_format=EURO; path=/; expires=Thu, 12 Jul 2018 21:25:08 -0000; Secure Set-Cookie: betslip_data=BAhJIgHkSDRzSUFNUTFXVm9BQXoyUHNRN0NNQXhFL3lWemhVQnNIWUdGcVJJZFVZZVV1SldGYTBleE8xU0lmeWVGCjBNMTNlbmM2djF3QThvdXI5NVhyd1ZyQ2VBMnU1cG1vY2drR1NNQVArQnNzelhBQzB5OE9LVW5LNTcycgpuQ0tQQkVXTUpMMm4xdnh6QzA0ekdjYU4wRVVOcGlKTXpOTloxSExyTHZkR01XQkRUemV3T2JFV082REcKdlBUeW16dDRVaWpaSm9RTUhWWklFbzdJNndmSDl3Zm1MZ1R0MndBQUFBPT0KBjoGRUY%3D--ac3a2dedb42af4c2761e4cb86aa82f46f32b76ab; path=/; Secure Set-Cookie: _fdj2_session=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%3D--2fe42718f1ae22b7d07b907327b21d04d43b6c16; path=/; HttpOnly; Secure Status: 200 OK Cache-Control: max-age=0 Expires: Fri, 12 Jan 2018 22:24:58 GMT Strict-Transport-Security: max-age=86400 Content-Security-Policy: default-src 'self' * * *; script-src 'self' 'unsafe-inline' 'unsafe-eval' blob: * * * * * *; style-src 'self' 'unsafe-inline' * *; img-src 'self' * data:; font-src 'self' data: * *; frame-src 'self' * * * * *; frame-ancestors *; X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8 Set-Cookie: modern=agpfrp1; Path=/; Secure Transfer-Encoding: chunked Connection: Keep-alive Keep-Alive: timeout=15, max=100 |
Typos are not uncommon, not even with website addresses. More than that, the more popular the website, the more typos there tend to happen. We have gathered and generated the following list of most frequently encountered mistypes for
Here is a list of some more reports for you to check. If you found this one on useful, the following list will be of interest to you, too:
This list contains 370 top level domain variantions for domain name: