Perhaps the most relevant statistics data that we could gather is presented here:
Data type/Website parameter | Status or value | Our findings |
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They have really helped us iterate our strategy towards one delivering both tactical improvements and big picture strategic shifts. I would definitely recommend them."</p><footer><cite>Lucy Walker</cite> Camelot Director Of IT, Facilities and Finance</footer> </blockquote> </div> <div> <blockquote> <p>" carried out a brief engagement which helped us formulate our plans. I would wholeheartedly recommend them."</p><footer><cite>Lee Cameron</cite> Monitise CEO</footer> </blockquote> </div><div> <blockquote> <p>"On behalf of the team here at I want to personally thank for the amazing impact you had in just a few hours in this office. I appreciate you giving credit to the development team for arriving at the deliverable MVP, but in all honesty we would never have arrived at this point had it not been for your intervention."</p><footer><cite>Jessica Sachs</cite> Sportdec Head of Product and Operations</footer> </blockquote> </div><div> <blockquote> <p>" helped establish a broader understanding of the crucial role that WebOps plays in CompareTheMarket’s success. In particular helping us up our game in terms of monitoring and alerting, through the use of SMART monitoring and PagerDuty. They also brought a really helpful perspective from previous companies like Betfair and Hailo in the operation of SOA/micro-services..."</p><footer><cite>James Lomas</cite> CompareTheMarket IT Director</footer> </blockquote> </div><div> <blockquote> <p>" have made a major contribution quickly, helping us to drive forward our strategically critical transformation programme with pace and urgency. Their style of working is very refreshing - they give clear direction and provide sound advice while working closely with the teams and driving cross-team collaboration. I would thoroughly recommend them to anyone wanting to make change really happen in their organisation."</p><footer><cite>Gatien Gillon</cite> Verisure Director of Group Product Management</footer> </blockquote> </div><div> <blockquote> <p>"The member worked with our team to bring clarity to urgent issues and supported the team, built a roadmap and plan to deliver results efficiently. We experienced a definite change as a the result of involvement. I will definitely recommend and re-use them in the future."</p><footer><cite>Marvin Sanderson</cite> Xanadu CTO</footer> </blockquote> </div><div> <blockquote> <p>" helped bring urgency, clarity and delivery to one of our business critical initiatives working *with* us not *for* us. I would definitely recommend them."</p><footer><cite>Robin Spira</cite> CTO FanDuel</footer> </blockquote> </div><div> <blockquote> <p>"I’m really impressed with our person. He is a very likeable guy, he has built great relationships and has earned respect from both hands-on technical and board members - which is not easy to do..."</p><footer><cite>Phill Graham</cite> Gamesys CTO</footer> </blockquote> </div><div> <blockquote> <p>" spent 3 days with our business at the start of 2016. In these 3 days alone the person managed to get under the skin of our business, understand our people, our business challenges/opportunities and ultimately help us with defining our tech strategy for the next 12 months and beyond..."</p><footer><cite>Michael Miller</cite> easyfundraising Ops Director</footer> </blockquote> </div><div> <blockquote> <p>"Our interim CTO had great vision and blended this with his experience of leading people and transforming technology architecture to add business value."</p><footer><cite>Michael Phillips</cite> broadbandchoices Founder and CEO</footer> </blockquote> </div><div> <blockquote> <p>"The change the interim brought when coming in as Interim VP Engineering was "truly amazing" and "we started to feel we were firing on all cylinders"</p><footer>The "How To Build a Billion Dollar App" book by <cite>George Berkowski</cite> Hailo Head of Product</footer> </blockquote> </div><div> <blockquote> <p>" have been absolutely essential is helping us make smart, fast and pragmatic decisions from architecture, product development & shipping process, through to very executional projects such as first steps growth hacking & local SEO optimisation. We like the fact that we can access a portfolio of experts who act as interim management, when we need them and that each engagement is practical, results & execution orientated."</p><footer><cite>Dharmash Mistry</cite> Founder and CEO Blow Ltd. NED BBC and Dixons</footer> </blockquote> </div><div> <blockquote> <p>"After searching for a few months helped me find the perfect person to help with Compare the game. The service has been fantastic and eliminated all the hassle. I would definitely recommend them."</p><footer><cite>Ritchie Williamson</cite> comparethegame Founder and CEO</footer> </blockquote> </div> <div> <blockquote> <p>"What a great concept! The fact is so many of us are in an uncharted growth phase - will the person we need now be right for us in 3 months time? How do we develop what we’ve got when we can’t hire right now? The concept solved this dilemma for me and sorted my issues out, quickly and effectively. I have to say it’s a bonus working with good people as well - as a StartUp it’s good to have people you can trust when you’re in shark infested waters."</p><footer><cite>Keith Lewin</cite> PostTag Founding Partner</footer> </blockquote> </div> <div> <blockquote> <p>" provided an architectural review of ClusterSeven's proposal to evolve an on-premise enterprise product to a SaaS offering. They familiarised themselves with our architecture at an impressive speed and rapidly proceeded to challenge us with relevant and insightful questions. Their breadth of technical and operational knowledge was clear and they provided an intelligent and considered assessment of the suitability of ClusterSeven's proposal. With their guidance and advice, we have significantly increased confidence that a strategic initiative is on-track and we believe their input has significantly reduced the risk of unforeseen technical and operational problems."</p><footer><cite>Pete Holmes</cite> ClusterSeven CTO</footer> </blockquote></div> <div> <blockquote> <p>“ were very quick in making connections across the business areas and helping us to focus on the bigger picture. At the same time, they were proactive in creating concrete proposals to improve the team dynamic, processes and overall organisational design. They were helping us to build a first-rate product delivery function. combine a keen analytical approach with deep hands-on experience of end-to-end delivery in product/tech organisations. They are highly supportive in helping us to deliver results with pace.”</p><footer><cite>Muhammad Mehmood</cite> COO Andromeda</footer> </blockquote></div> <div> <blockquote> <p>“ have been amazing. They have been really customer focused and have connected us with someone with very deep experience in the areas we need. They have shared the cost savings from remote working with us so they are actually very cost effective as well…”</p><footer><cite>Loraine Bautista</cite> amzLenders New York City USA</footer> </blockquote></div> <div> <blockquote> <p>“ are really helping us growth hack our startup Workteam. Their experience helping other companies grow and be successful is really proving invaluable”</p><footer><cite>Simon Bates</cite> CEO Workteam</footer> </blockquote></div> <div> <blockquote> <p>“We needed architectural level support on options for integration with one of the major ERP players. not only got us the right guy to speak to, they recognised that speed and cost were essential and offered their remote working solution. A win all round as we got the expertise we needed, in short consumable chunks which helped us define the right solution and it didn’t break the bank!”</p><footer><cite>Saranjit Soor</cite> Chief Technology Officer Key Travel</footer> </blockquote></div> <div> <blockquote> <p>“I’ve been working with an CTO coach and have really appreciated and valued their expert advice. I would definitely recommend them for technology business leaders who want to progress their career.”</p><footer><cite>Mark Tindal</cite> Head of integration and development KCOM</footer> </blockquote></div> <div> <blockquote> <p>“ are helping us growth hack our brilliant new app Mi Purpose to world domination! They are the real deal and I’m so glad I’m working with them.”</p><footer><cite>Tracey Carr</cite> Founder and CEO Mi Purpose</footer> </blockquote></div> <div> <blockquote> <p>“ are helping us think about, and manage, our growth in a more structured way. They have a huge amount of experience helping companies grow and scale and I would highly recommend them.”</p><footer><cite>Eleonore Dresch</cite> Founder and CEO Culture Whisper</footer> </blockquote></div> </section><section class="footer"> <section class="intro"> <p>At we believe that the more people you help become successful the more successful you become...</p></section> <footer> <aside> <h2>What we do</h2> <p>We deploy high impact interim talent across all disciplines at very short notice</p><p>On site or totally remotely <i>everywhere<i></p><p>We aren't consultants - we're high impact temporary employees</p><p>Read our 5 minute guide <a href="" target="_blank">here</a></p></aside> <aside> <h2>Why Us?</h2> <ul> <li> <span class="image"> <figure class="icon"> <object type="image/svg+xml" data="" width="20" height="20"></object> </figure> </span> <span class="text">Google, Amazon, SAP & Betfair talent</span> </li><li> <span class="image"> <figure class="icon"> <object type="image/svg+xml" data="" width="20" height="20"></object> </figure> </span> <span class="text">Easy in, easy out</span> </li><li> <span class="image"> <figure class="icon"> <object type="image/svg+xml" data="" width="20" height="20"></object> </figure> </span> <span class="text">We don't advise - we take accountability</span> </li><li> <span class="image"> <figure class="icon"> <object type="image/svg+xml" data="" width="20" height="20"></object> </figure> </span> <span class="text">We exist to make you successful</span> </li></ul> </aside> <aside> <h3>Digital Service Company<br>Of The Year</h3> <figure class="award"> <img src="" alt=" supply high impact interims and are V3 Digital Service Company of the Year" width="300"> </figure> <form method="get" id="searchform" action=""> <input type="text" class="field" name="s" id="s" placeholder="Enter your search"> <button>Search</button> </form> <p><a href="" target="_blank">Free eBook Chapters</a></p></aside> <aside><h3> <span class="image"> <figure class="icon"> <object type="image/svg+xml" data="" width="20" height="20"></object> </figure> </span> <span class="text">Have any Questions?</span> </h3> <p><a href="mailto:[email protected]">[email protected]</a></p><h3> <span class="image"> <figure class="icon"> <object type="image/svg+xml" data="" width="20" height="20"></object> </figure> </span> <span class="text">Call Us</span> </h3> <p><a href="tel:+44 (0) 800 246 5735">+44 (0) 800 246 5735</a></p><h3> <span class="image"> <figure class="icon"> <object type="image/svg+xml" data="" width="20" height="20"></object> </figure> </span> <span class="text">Our Address</span> </h3> <h4 class="address"></h4> <p class="address">265-269 Kingston Rd, London SW19 3NW UK</p></aside> </footer> </section> </div><script type="text/javascript" src="js/flickity.min.js" async></script> <script>document.getElementById('menu--mobile').addEventListener('click', function(){document.getElementById('menu--list').classList.toggle('show'); return false;}); </script> <script src="" async></script> <script>var galite=galite ||{}; galite.UA='UA-66705160-3'; </script></body></html> | Sticking to between 50-60 characters for meta title length is a good idea. The length of this website's meta title is 26889. |
Website meta description | A description has not been provided for this site. | The length of the meta description is 50 characters. Google recommends up to around 280-320 characters at the most. |
Website load speed | Approximately 0.5707 seconds | Website load speed is on a good level, great! But if an improvement can be made, it's always for the better. |
Rank by Alexa | 8,097,634 | We are not fans of the Alexa rank, but if we base our assumptions on it, the website is not that popular. |
Homepage links | Approximately 15 | A good amount of links and nothing to worry about. |
Size of page HTML | 26.7KB | This is a very good result, as search engines prioritize websites that are quick to load. |
Server data | Server seems to be online. IP adress for this domain is | Due to lack of data, we can't provide a meaningful insight. |
The basic overview not enough? Let's dive deeper.
A website is not just Quantcast ranks and meta information. There is a whole lot more to it. Let's give it a proper look now, shall we?
Data type/Website parameter | Status or value | Our findings |
Similar websites | |
While we can't speak with a hundred percent certainty, these website seem to fall into the same category as Thus, they probably target the same audience and, likely, keywords. |
Alexa, perhaps the oldest ranking system of its sort, bases it's website rating on approximated number of visitors of a specific page. In other words, the more visitors, the higher the global and local ranks. As of recently, Alexa has well over four million websites ranked. Having said all that, Alexa rank should be taken with a grain of salt. Or a massive bucketload. In other words, we think it to be greatly overrated, as it never takes into account how popular a website is within its niche.
What is a server? It's basically a physical storage device (one that, sometimes, makes up several virtual servers for the cheaper shared hosting) that holds all the files and databases associated with a specific website or websites. Obviously, it's a touch more complicated than that (servers also have processors), but the essence is quite simple - your browser contacts the server, which then sends all the neccessary information and files to your computer. Each physical server has a unique IP address assigned to it, too, for easy recognition.
If you need more raw data, here's what we managed to gather:
Header information |
HTTP/1.1 200 OK Date: Sat, 11 Nov 2017 06:09:33 GMT Server: Apache/2.4.7 (Ubuntu) Last-Modified: Mon, 17 Apr 2017 10:22:28 GMT Vary: Accept-Encoding Content-Type: text/html X-Varnish: 4144309 4144292 Age: 1244 Via: 1.1 varnish-v4 ETag: W/"6a98-54d5a2b0e3bfa-gzip" Transfer-Encoding: chunked Connection: keep-alive Accept-Ranges: bytes |
Typos are not uncommon, not even with website addresses. More than that, the more popular the website, the more typos there tend to happen. We have gathered and generated the following list of most frequently encountered mistypes for
Here is a list of some more reports for you to check. If you found this one on useful, the following list will be of interest to you, too:
This list contains 370 top level domain variantions for domain name: